Recently, I had to block someone on Facebook for a
completely different reason than I’ve ever had to do before.
I’ve had bullying on Facebook before, and back-biting, which
has caused me to block people. But I’ve never had to block someone because of
this before. It was weird.
I admit, I’d put up a post that was none too pleasant. I’d
tagged some people in it, telling them I didn’t want to have their religion
thrust at me any more – I realised I was beginning to post increasingly aggressive
atheist posts mocking religion and didn’t want to end up with bad emotions
between myself and my new friends. Why was I putting up these posts? Because I
was getting defensive about my lack of belief – I was feeling that I had to
defend my view point.
So, I’d like to take to a quote from Everyday
Feminism on Political Correctness:
That quote can be applied to a lot of other things as well –
in this instance I’m referring to the way said friends now have to engage
conversation with me.
Before, I was getting told I should have joined in on
prayer. I was continually asked to read from the Bible, to join in Bible and
religious discussion. They were bigoted against my own lack of belief.
Now they stop to think, and in stopping, have realised their
mistake. I’ve been asked recently if it’s ok to tell me “bless you” when I
sneeze, which I think is rather silly question – in that, of course it’s only;
it’s a common saying, it’s not offensive at all (it’s actually kinda nice
because it says that the person is thinking of you) – but the fact I was asked
meant that they realised and wanted to know how to do better. This makes them
some of the best people I know – the willingness to change, in turn, showing
The point is that they now are a little egg-shell walking
because they now understand that before, they would say, ask or tell me
something bigoted, but now they stop and think – and realised that some things
can be better left unsaid.
I think in these circumstances where you realise that you’re
stepping on eggshells, you have 3 options:
- Change your behaviour – you might be upsetting someone and not realise
- Ignore them – in which case, I would say that you definitely are bigoted, simply because it ignores the harm you may be causing
- Realise that you might be the one in the abusive relationship – you shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells all the time – there’s other signs as well and maybe you should look for them
Through school and college I experimented with religions
because I was finding it difficult to swallow all the lies and logical
fallacies all religions inherently have. The closest I came was paganism as it
was the only big religion I’d tried that didn’t have some manipulative doctrine
behind it. Even then, to me magick was about changing psychology, not about
balls of burning gas millions of lightyears away influencing your life (which I
have always thought was pretty arrogant to be honest).
I read the God Delusion and came to conclusion everything
I’d been told about atheism is wrong – it’s not a religious viewpoint, it’s not
a belief in its own right. It doesn’t have these things at all, in fact.
I’d realised that I’d been expected to conform, to have a
belief because others do.
After a while, I started sharing funny pictures and articles
I found funny, and scientific thoughts, that kind of thing. I’d discuss science
and beliefs with friends, trying to figure out what they think and feel and
compare them to my own, try to understand why clinging to a belief or trying to
convert others is so important – unfortunately, I never did understand because
all I ever got told were various forms of garbage.
One of my brother’s Christian friends had already taken it
upon himself to try to “save” me, what with my sexuality. Now that I’d given up
religion, he saw it was the excuse he needed to pile on more crap at me. And,
yes, I do say crap – until you can provide evidence, if you’re trying to
convert or convince someone of some facet of religion, then you’re doing
nothing but manipulating and using potentially harmful lies.
It seemed that having another religion just meant I was
misguided but still had the potential of finding God, so it’s fine. Not having
anything at all was a big, big deal that needed correcting right away.
For the next 5 years, no matter what happened, whenever I
saw this friend, God would come up in discussion and the next thing I knew I’d
get a “whenever I needed help, I prayed to God…” speech. Without fail. Every.
Single. Time.
I was later met with scorn by my brother and his friends
because, clearly, it was me that was the problem – I’d goaded him into
everything. Presumably, merely by telling him I don’t have beliefs – it’s like
people assumed the correct response to this is “do you want some?” not “cool”.
I admit I took the piss out of his silly beliefs. Is it
unfair to say ‘silly’ when it’s a belief? Of course not, but didn’t stop my
brother and his friends getting ‘offended’ because I’d decided not to take this
guy’s belief of dinosaurs
living at the same time as humans and lived in peace with Man or “that being gay is a
choice and they’re not ‘made’ that way” seriously. I feel I must point out
that this guy also is a fundamentalist – denies evolution, believes forgiving
is forgetting, faith fixes all and that God granted him a car when he prayed
for one.
In mocking such blatantly redundant beliefs, however, it was
decided by everyone that clearly, I deserved someone else’s (misguided –
seriously, I was being told homophobia is ok because “love
the sinner, hate the sin” bullshit) opinions shoved at me, because I’d
obviously been asking for them.
I was being facetious, mocking and eventually dismissive of
this guy and his opinions because I was, in essence, being attacked.
I suppose I should take some of the blame, as I should have
been mature and just walked away every time. Thing is, that’s really, really
difficult to do when this guy is your
brother’s friend, tells the entire family about his ‘conversations’ with
God every time he visits just for your benefit and will actively pursue you
when you walk away or bring it up in
every conversation that has a possible opening to it.
So when my boyfriend’s friends started to do similar things
– ask me at least 3 time every evening of a Bible reading to join in; tell me
off for not joining in prayers before meals; wait for me to arrive before Bible
study starts, so I can ‘benefit’ from the teachings – I started to once again
post defensive, mocking posts out of old habit.
Originally, I was very quiet when asked about what my
beliefs were and didn’t draw attention to it because I was ‘walking on
eggshells’ – at one point I was worried about going because I was worried about
the oncoming onslaught of opinionated nonsense. I was mostly worried about
potentially upsetting them as well.
As it was, by not making a big deal out of it I’d invited
them to try to give me beliefs – they, instead of seeing having no belief as
legitimate position, took it as a challenge. I reacted badly because of my
past, for which I’m very sorry.
I don’t think my response is completely unjustified,
For some reason, we still, thousands of years later, hold up
religious opinions – i.e. something based on any fact or evidence – as beyond
reproach. Which is blatantly absurd.
However, this invariably leads to the idiots who think that:
- It’s ok to criticise a situation they know nothing about
- Think it’s ok to attack criticism – especially that of firmly held beliefs, which is just utter nonsense
- It’s ok to attack criticism because I’m clearly a hypocrite as I “preach” in my own way – which is entirely wrong, as I’ll explain
To begin with, I had a couple of comments from a guy who –
whilst he says he’s also an atheist – thought it’s ok to judge the situation I
was without even knowing what it was. What was implicit behind his comments was
two major notions: that commenting on or refuting a religious idea is bad
because “that’s also preaching” (which in turn implicitly meant to me “sit down
and shut up”), and that secondly, as he was also an atheist, that I should
agree with him because otherwise we’d give atheists a “bad name”. This included
in the part where he says he joins in prayers before meals. He also attacked a straw
man of his design saying
that people were free to post what they like on Facebook and I shouldn’t be
trying to stop them.
I don’t think I was out of order in my post. Perhaps I
should have spoken to them face-to-face but seeing how being face-to-face with
them lead to multiple attempts to get me to “join in” I didn’t think that was
going to go anywhere. If I upset them out of embarrassment or shame publically
on Facebook, so be it – they needed to be called out. You’d do exactly the same
with any other unfair treatment. To attack without knowing the details though,
that’s bullying in its own right.
Just because you’re also an atheist, doesn’t mean I have to
agree with you, or do what you say or even what every other atheist apart from
me does. I’m me, not some bloody label I should conform to. On top of that –
what, leave nothing unchallenged? Nothing at all? If nothing is challenged,
nothing changes. I absolutely must question everything and criticise
everything; that’s how good knowledge works.
And preaching? How does one preach atheism, by the way? Oh I
put up a lot of atheist posts do I? That’s not preaching – if you’ve got me on
your newsfeed that means you want to look at my posts. Also, you came here to
make your comments. You didn’t have to.
Ah, so preaching atheism is telling someone a fact?
Correcting their definition of evolution because they don’t believe in it? No.
I have facts – I’m not pushing a “belief” or “opinion” on you when I tell you
about evolution – I’m giving you facts that perhaps you don’t know. There’s a
big difference. I can’t preach for one clear reason – I can’t tell you about
something I don’t have. I can, however, correct you when you tell other people
lies – something a few people have got annoyed at in the past. “Why can’t I
post homeopathy treatments to a friend’s illness? Waaaagh!” Because it doesn’t
work, dumbass. Because it’s a lie, and telling people it will cure cancer only
harms them.
Look at point 5 here if that’s any help:
Lastly, I wasn’t saying that they shouldn’t be able to post
whatever they like – in their own
profile. It’s their fucking Facebook. They can post whatever they damn well
please – but thanks for creating a straw man to attack – a slightly flailing
attempt to make me look bad, well done. It’s when they post on my profile,
assert their opinions onto me or others that I get really angry.
He also then defined me as a “bigot” – using the dictionary
definition of bigot to include “ideas and beliefs”.
Yes, absolutely I’m bigoted towards certain idea or beliefs.
But then again, so is any morally thinking person: ladies, and gentlemen, I
present to you the Ku Klux Klan…
Your comments to me are nothing short of the same defamation
you accuse me of – though I easily did not make or say anything defamatory. In
future, if you’re offended by something you see, keep it to yourself, yeah?
Rather than coming over here, being a dick…
A friend commented by saying that she thinks I am a bigot –
as if somehow that was a bad thing, see
above – and that also I’m argumentative and “closed minded”. She said that
I shouldn’t be allowed to call anyone out over shoving their religion down my
throat because I myself do exactly the same thing by “preaching the gay”.
Now, first – I don’t care if you think I’m a bigot. I am –
to racism, homophobia, sexism and lots of other forms of discrimination. Just
as I’m bigoted against Social
Darwinism and Eugenics.
As I said, any right-minded person would be. Fine. Call me one.
Second – closed minded? Seriously? Fuck off back to your
hell-hole for not knowing how logic and rational thinking work. I’ve been
accused oft his many times – and every single time by some “god-fearing”
Christian or snake-oil “mystic” for not agreeing with their ludicrous ideas.
I’ll repeat what every atheist everywhere says: prove it and I’ll change my mind. The problem is you can’t. Just
because a person is a “mild” believer, doesn’t mean their beliefs are any less
But the last one? Preaching
the gay? What the fuck does that mean? I’m not even sure but I guess it’s
because I shared a few posts about equal treatment for gays – I stubbornly
refuse to say “gay marriage”; it’s marriage, but until everyone has it,
privileged to straights – about freedom of choice, and have a rainbow as my
profile pic and cover.
OMG! I’m like, totally offensive! How dare I share posts
about equality on an issue close to my heart!
As I said with my atheist posts – if you don’t want to see
it, you can filter it out. That’s your responsibility to filter it, not mine to
stop talking about it. Freedom of speech applies to me too.
But what exactly is preaching the gay? Oh, yeah I want to
convert everyone to being gay, like it’s a choice? I know – it’s the famous gay
This is another thing I’ve been accused of before – but I’ve
never seen it put to me that way before.
Apparently, I want to make everyone gay. I’ve been asked before
if I’ve had any kind of sexual contact with people who’d say their straight. Yes,
I have. I get hit on by straights, too. It happens more than you think to
all sexual spectrums.
I think I’d like, possibly, to discuss my thoughts on
sexuality in another post.
But when someone who was a friend started asking me about this, and I
responded that people might ‘say’ they’re ‘straight’ but really are bi or gay
behind closed doors, doesn’t mean I’ve “converted” them. It means that what
happened between me and whoever is precisely between me and them and no one
else. And no one should feel ashamed for sharing any kind of moment – intimate,
sexual, close or otherwise.
His girlfriend then apparently went on a rant behind my back
about because of this discussion.
Again, first off, if he
wanted to do anything with me, maybe
you should evaluate your relationship. Second, if it did happen, he could still
say he’s straight, but behind closed doors, then maybe it’s another matter. But third – no. Eww. I’m not touching
your sweaty, pot-bellied, snuggle-toothed troll of a boyfriend.
Yes, I know he’s straight. Clearly,
being gay I have to fancy him cos he’s straight. Yeah….. No. Fuck you.
So yeah. Thanks for setting up something I have no part in,
and linking it to me. Thanks for showing me to others as something that’s not
what I’m about.
Maybe next time, learn
the situation first? Use reason and logic
instead of just throwing your opinions around like some spoilt brat? Maybe get to know me a bit?
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